Lead Contact Details

Name: Natural England Northumbria Area Team
Email: northumbria@naturalengland.org.uk
Tel:0300 060 3900


Non-Departmental Public Body

Geography Area Covered

England and English waters out to 12 miles

Membership Details

The partnership governance groups this organisation is represented on

Marine Protected Areas

Natural England operates or has management which influences, the following inshore marine protected areas between Fast Castle Head and the River Tyne:


Management Actions

Natural England has the following management measures in place to ensure its functions and regulatory powers are carried out in a manner that achieves the conservation objectives for the inshore marine protected areas in which it operates:

  1. All consents and permissions issued by Natural England on European sites are subject to Habitats Regulations Assessment before being issued
  2. Provision of advice to other statutory bodies on protected sites issues to inform Habitats Regulations Assessments
  3. Production of Conservation Advice for SACs, SPAs and MCZs
  4. Site condition monitoring of SSSIs and MPAs
  5. Promotion of the value of the natural environment and designated sites
  6. Management of the Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve

Data, Information and Mapping

Natural England holds the following data that could be of interest to other partners who are responsible for managing marine areas:

Map of Grey Seal breeding habitat on the Farne Islands: PDF map from 2012

Location of interest features within the Berwickshire and North Northumberland SAC: PDF map from 2012

Berwickshire Intertidal Rocky Reefs: Report on surveys of the intertidal rocky reef commissioned for the Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast Special Area of Conservation (SAC) by the Improvement Programme for Englands Natura 2000 sites (IPENS). The site was surveyed during August 2013 with the aim to survey and quantify the extent of the rooky reef intertidal feature in order to provide evidence for assessing changes within the site and to be able to monitor future changes. An assessment of anthropogenic influences, impacting on identified features, such as coastal defences, and damaging or potentially damaging activities, was undertaken and mapped where possible.

Tern Verification Surveys for Marine Sites: Natural England commissioned these surveys to verify modelling work on terns carried out by the JNCC. The results were be used to help define the potential boundaries of marine SPAs by identifing the limits to important foraging areas for each species at each recently regularly occupied colony. The report includes details of surveys on the Northumberland coast.

NBN 2013: Tweed Estuary SAC Biotype Survey: Excel spreadsheet of species records from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

Tweed Estuary, littoral sediment survey: Excel spreadsheet of species records from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

NBN 2002 English Nature/ASM survey of Berwickshire and North Northumberland Coast: Excel spreadsheet of species records from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

NBN 2002 English Nature/CALM Berwickshire & North Northumberland Coast Rocky Shore transects: Excel spreadsheet of species records from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

NBN 2010 Envision Mapping Berwickshire and North Northumberland coast survey of sand and mudflats: Excel spreadsheet of species records from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

NBN 2010 Natural England/MarClim Farne Islands Intertidal Survey: Excel spreadsheet of species records from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

NBN 2013 Natural England (NE) Tweed Estuary SAC: Biotope Survey: Excel spreadsheet of species records from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

NBN 2013 Natural England Verification Survey of Intertidal Sediments within the Coquet to St Marys rMCZ: Excel spreadsheet of species records from the National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Gateway.

Annual shorebird reports from the Lindisfarne NNR: Annual end of season reports on shorebird wardening at the Lindisfarne National Nature Reserve (for access please contact the Lindisfarne NNR Reserve Base on 01289 381470)

Site Condition Monitoring Data: Condition assessments of the individual terrestrial/intertidal SSSIs which underpin SAC, SPA, and MCZ designations. Details of individual SSSIs can be viewed on the Designated Sites View website

Boundaries of protected sites and additional habitat maps can also be downloaded at www.magic.gov.uk