Lead Contact Details

Name: Mairi Rae
Email: MairiR@nlb.org.uk
Tel: 0131 473 3101


General Lighthouse Authority for Scotland

Geography Area Covered

Scottish waters

Membership Details

The partnership governance groups this organisation is represented on

Marine Protected Areas

The Northern Lighthouse Board operates or has management which influences, the following inshore marine protected areas between Fast Castle Head and the River Tyne:


Management Actions

The Northern Lighthouse Board has the following management measures in place to ensure its functions and regulatory powers are carried out in a manner that achieves the conservation objectives for the inshore marine protected areas in which it operates:

  1. The Northern Lighthouse Board makes contractors aware of the environmental sensitivities of the areas in which they work and ensures that all required consents are obtained before the commencement of works

Data, Information and Mapping

The Northern Lighthouse Board holds the following data that could be of interest to other partners who are responsible for managing marine areas:
