Lead Contact Details

Name: Berwickshire Marine Reserve
Email: info@berwickshiremarinereserve.org.uk
Tel: 01890 752509




Voluntary Marine Reserve Partnership

Geography Area Covered

Eyemouth to St Abbs out to a see depth of 50m. A map of the Marine Reserve can be found at this link

Membership Details

The partnership governance groups this organisation is represented on are:

Marine Protected Areas

The Berwickshire Marine Reserve operates, or has management which influence, on the following inshore marine protected areas between Fast Castle Head and the River Tyne:


Management Actions

The Berwickshire Marine Reserve (BMR) is a registered charity and is Scotland’s only voluntary Marine Reserve. It’s three main aims are to:

  • Conserve the biodiversity of the coastal waters

  • Raise awareness of the marine environment through education and research

  • Promote responsible recreational use alongside a sustainable fishery to the mutual benefit of all

The Berwickshire Marine Reserve carries out a wide range of activities which contribute towards understanding of the marine environment. This include survey and monitoring activity and a regular programme of public outreach and education.

Data, Information and Mapping

The Berwickshire Marine Reserve are involved in a number of citizen science activities including regular rocky shore monitoring. They have previously commissioned marine habitat mapping (including use of multibeam and sidescan sonar systems) and 360 degree video image. They also contribute towards crustacean reserach with Northumberland IFCA and the St Abbs Marine Station, and carry out sea temperature monitoring in association with Newcastle University.